Animal Care

Animal Type:
Animal Breed:
Leopard Gecko

*SBRSC Leopard Gecko Information Guide for Adoption

Enclosure Assembly

Important: When the enclosure changes, the heating, lighting, and UVB/A requirements change.

Enclosure Type 1

Housing: REPTIZOO 50 Gallon Glass Reptile Tank, 48" x 24" x 10" - (Amazon)

UVB Fixture: Arcadia Reptile Pro T5 UVB D3+ Forest 6%UV-B 24 inch Single Lamp Kit - (Amazon)

UVB Bulb: (see kit above)

Top Heat: Arcadia Halogen Heat Lamp 50 Watt w/ any 100 watt dome fixture with dimmer

 Dimmer Switch - (Amazon)

Timer: 24-Hour Mechanical Timer Outlet with 2 Grounded Outlets for the UVB and Top Heat - (Amazon)

Undertank Heat Mat: Fluker's Premium Heat Mat for All Reptiles and Amphibians, Medium 11"x11", Black - (Amazon)

Thermostatic Controller: REPTIZOO Reptile Dimming Temperature Controller for the undertank heat mat - (Amazon)

Enclosure Type 2: 

Housing: REPTI ZOO 35 Gallon Glass Reptile Tank Front Opening Reptile Terrarium 36" x 18"x 12" -  (Amazon)

UVB Fixture: Arcadia Reptile Pro T5 UVB D3+ Forest 6%UV-B 24 inch Single Lamp Kit - (Amazon)

UVB Bulb: (see kit above)

Top Heat: Arcadia Halogen Heat Lamp 75 Watt w/ any 100 watt dome fixture with dimmer

Dimmer Switch - (Amazon)

Timer: 24-Hour Mechanical Timer Outlet with 2 Grounded Outlets for the UVB and Top Heat - (Amazon)

Undertank Heat Mat: Fluker's Premium Heat Mat for All Reptiles and Amphibians, Medium 11"x11", Black - (Amazon)

Thermostatic Controller: REPTIZOO Reptile Dimming Temperature Controller - (Amazon)

Enclosure Type 3

Housing: OIIBO Glass Long Tank Reptile Terrarium 20 Gallon, Front Opening Terrarium 30" x 12"x 12" - (Amazon)

UVB Fixture: Arcadia Reptile Pro T5 UVB D3+ Forest 6%UV-B 24 inch Single Lamp Kit - (Amazon)

UVB Bulb: (see kit above)

Top Heat: Arcadia Halogen Heat Lamp 75 Watt w/ any 100 watt dome fixture with dimmer

Dimmer Switch - (Amazon)

Timer: 24-Hour Mechanical Timer Outlet with 2 Grounded Outlets for the UVB and Top Heat - (Amazon)

Undertank Heat Mat: Fluker's Premium Heat Mat for All Reptiles and Amphibians, Medium 11"x11", Black - (Amazon)

Thermostatic Controller: REPTIZOO Reptile Dimming Temperature Controller - (Amazon)

Heating, Lighting, & UVB Set-up & Management

Ideal temperatures Leopard Geckos range from 75-80°F on the cool side and 80-85°F on the warm side. Provide a 90-95°F basking area on the warm side.  The UVB Fergason Zone is 1.

The UVB and top heat fixtures are plugged into the timer and set to be on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours.

The undertank heat mat will be TAPED ON (do not use the mat adhesive*) with CLEAR PACKING TAPE - (Amazon)

Then the heat mat will be plugged into the thermostatic controller.  The sensor for the controller will be taped flush and securely to the center of a black pannel on the heat mat with the clear packing tape.

To clarify the order goes from top to bottom: glass, heat mat, sensor, tape.

*As the heat mat heats up and cools down, the adhesive on the mat, if used to secure it to the underside of a glass tank, becomes as strong as concrete.  Assuming you will need to replace the heat mat at least once through the course of the animals life means that you will want to be able to remove it without risk of breaking the glass.  This is why we do not use the adhesive to secure the mat, we use the packing tape instead.

Clear packing tape has proven to be the most secure adhesive that can be removed without damage or a huge gooy mess.

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to get a Solarmeter Model 6.5 UV Index Meter - (Amazon).  This is to not only measure the Fergason Zone for the UVB but it tells you when the UVB has been burned off from the bulb.

While the bulbs that we recommend generally need to be replaced every 10 - 11 months, some can be defective and burn out sooner.  UVB lights can stop emitting UVB but still illuminate.  Always save the bulb box and receipt in the event that you need to exchange it due to this.  The meeter can help to prove your case.

Alternatively, many of these bulbs live longer than expected.  If you check the health of your UVB bulb once a month, you may find that it is viable for many months longer than expected, thus saving you money in the long run.

Remember, the Ferguson Zone you want for your geck to be in is 1.  The meter will help you to learn where that is in your enclosure.   It needs to reach the highest point that your gecko can climb to.  This will remain an unknown without the meter.  Be Aware!  Cheeper means unreliable or measures the wrong thing.

In order to manage your gradient temperatures, you need the Etekcity Infrared Thermometer Laser Temperature Gun - (Amazon).  Knowing the temps is helpful if your animal is not acting or behaving in a normal way. You can even use it to test your animals temp as well as the water for your animals bath!



Jurassic Natural Australian Desert Dragon Habitat Substrate - 10lb (Amazon) or 20lb  (Amazon) 


Zoo Med ReptiSand - 10 or 20lb (Amazon) 

Hides and Climbs:  

Leo’s like to climb small rounded items, especially if they want to bask or get closer to the UVB.  They need at least 3 places to hide in, one being an Exo Terra Medium Gecko Humid Hide - (Amazon) filled with soaked Riare Premium Sphagnum Moss - (Amazon).

Here are a few different Hides/Climbs to choose from:

ZILLA Herp Hotel, Grey, Medium - (Amazon)

RunXF Reptile Hideout - (Amazon)

PENN-PLAX Reptology Shale Scape Climbing Hide - (Amazon)

Fluker's Hide, Basking, Water Dish Combo - (Amazon)

Decor Hints & Tips:

We do not recommend using anything that has suction cups because they become weak over time and can hurt your Leo if they fall off while your Leo is using it. 

Everything needs to be reptile safe so when looking for things like wood or rocks it is recommended you purchase these items new from a reptile retailer. 

If possible, it’s prefered to use items that are not porous or made of wood for a healthy and easy to clean environment.

If you want to use items from outside you MUST scrub them with Dawn Wildlife Safe Dish Soap - (Amazon) followed by a wipe down or spray of 99% Isopropyl Alcohol - (Amazon). 

If it is wood that is from either outside or is second hand you MUST do the above THEN bake it in an oven at 250 degrees for 2 hours – set your timer to check on it every 15 minutes to make sure it does not catch on fire.

Dishes and Suppliants:

Water Bowl: this will be placed on the cool side and should be shallow enough for your Leo to get in and out of but not be fully submerged. We like the Fluker's Medium Corner Rock Water Dish - (Amazon)

Chlorine remover: Tap water is healthy for your animals because of the minerals in it but you will need to remove the chlorine from it with Zoomed ReptiSafe Water Conditioner for Reptiles - (Amazon),  This is to be used in drinking water, soaking water, and the water to soak the sphagnum moss in.

*Please Note - bottled water is not recommended and distilled is dangerous for reptiles

Food Dish: There are only 2 options for bug eaters:

Lee's Pet Products Plastic Mealworm Dish - (Amazon)

Ceramic Reptile worm Dish - (Amazon)

Calcium w/vitamin D3 & Multivitamin

Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamine D3 - (Amazon)

Rep-Cal Herptivite Multivitamin with Beta Carotene - (Amazon)

Tip: Make a 50/50 mix in a new jar and then sprinkle the this mix on the bottom of the food dish weekly. You will also dust the bugs but 

having the powder on the bottom of the bowl ensures your Leo gets what it needs.

Spray Bottle: Avenoir Mister Spray Bottle - (Amazon) This will be used to keep the moss in the humid hide wet.

Feeding TongsZoo Med Soft Tip Angled Stainless Steel Feeding Tongs, 10" - (Amazon) These will be needed if you want to feed your gecko black mexican crickets or dubia roaches.

Travel Carrier:

YUDODO Small Animal Carrier - (Amazon)

Ioview Small Animal Carrier - (Amazon)

Dasunzye Small Animal Carrier - (Amazon)
